“The Price of Freedom is eternal vigilance.”
Thomas Jefferson
3rd president of US
Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong
Hon John G. Diefenbaker PC, Prime Minister of Canada
All of us here in Canada guard our freedoms, our freedom of speech, our freedom of movement, our freedom to associate with others and of course our freedom of choose in what or whom we wish. Our soldiers have waged war to protect our freedoms and many sacrificed their lives and themselves for us.
One of the things that happen in a free society is elections. All of us at some point in time are asked to make our mark for one candidate or another. Whether it is locally, regionally, provincially or federally we are asked for our opinion as to who is going to assist you in building the towns, schools, Province and the Canada we all want to see. It could be an issue as close as a school closing or as abstract as trade agreements that makes us all participants.
This October 25th the Municipal elections will be held. While in some areas their may not be races for all seats. It is incumbent on all of us to make sure our voices are heard for the races that remain.
The Municipal level of government is one that is often called the “closest to the people”. It has a direct impact into your daily lives, from the moment you turn on a tap to make coffee, shower, drive to work, drop the kids off at school or, know you are protected by Police, Fire and EMS workers.
Municipalities have that impact and the people you choose to send to represent you have the opportunity to decide where a school will be built, what type, the design of the road, where the parks are, bus routes, everything right down to the speed limit by the school.
We often forgot that and can get caught up in the Provincial and Federal races as they occur. They have the flashy ads, TV debates and spend millions trying to sway a vote one way or another.
But consider this, the Region accounts for about 40% of your property tax dollar. The Town about 36% and the School Boards about 24% The total budget for all of them in Halton is over a billion dollars, each year.
Your Municipal candidates are out working to try to make sure you have the material you need to make your choice. When they stop at your door, ask them about the issues important to you. Their contact information can be found on your local municipal websites. Phone, email or try to get to an all candidates meeting to learn who has earned the right to receive your vote.
It has been said that when you don‘t vote you let someone else speak for you. On Election Day make your voice heard!
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