Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Top 10 reasons to Vote on October 27 in the Municipal Elections.. Number 10

 Number 10 All aspects of your everyday life are in some way affected by your Town or Region.

Some people think that voting municipally does not matter.  Boy are they wrong!  So many parts of your day are touched by municipal government.  Every day your local Town or Region has a impact on your life.  All of the items that touch you from the moment you get up to to to bed are in some way provided by your municipality.
Consider this: When you wake up and go to make your morning coffee, the water was provided by your municipality and it is clean safe water, your well can be tested for free by the Region to make sure it is safe.  The coffee arrived on roads paid for by your taxes and cleaned and repaired by the Town. That is even before you got to a shower or drove to work.
The Police, Firefighters and paramedics who keep our community safe are paid for by your local taxes.
The local parks and facilities are planned and paid for by your taxes.
Everyday people are making their voices heard by working with their Councillors, Mayor and Town Staff to shape the future of our community.
Get out and meet the candidates running for office in your community.  Ask for their views on items of importance to you and your family.
Check out the Halton Hills website to see if your on the Voters list.  Go to

Should they not hear your voice?

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