This past Saturday, as I have done every year for almost the last 10, I was out picking up litter that people throw out carelessly.
If these idiots spent as much time picking up bag after bag of litter as they do for the careless and mindless action of throwing it out, our roads would look a lot better!
The Hornby Are Ratepayers group (HARP) started the clean up of the area around Hornby 11 yrs ago. Since then it is estimated they have picked up 3,000 bags of litter, garbage tossed out by people as they drive by. Or the numbskulls who stop and do roadside dumping.
The Town Litter Free Task Force led by Jane Fogal has an army of volunteers who go out and spend time picking up fast food containers, household garbage, oil cans and of course water bottles. I have seen things like shopping carts, couches, tires and even a windshield picked up.
With the amount of pop bottles, cans and especially water bottles I am still convinced that there should be a deposit on the water bottles.
Last year I picked up a bag and found the address of who dumped it. My first thought was to drive out and deliver it with an “I think you dropped this…”
I am sure all of us would much rather spend the day at home preparing our gardens or with our families.
Instead we are out, wearing warm clothes, ankle deep in mud scouring our parks, ditches, downtowns and rural areas picking up other peoples garbage. It does give you a good feeling to see the area done that you had worked on cleaned up.