As we all know the Acton Quarry has been part of the business and social fabric here for over 100 yrs. From the production of crushed lime to the quarrying of rock. A piece of the Acton is in every major infrastructure project in southern Ontario.
The area north of 22 SR is to be completely mined out in about 6 to 7 yrs. Then the rehabilitation process begins. At one time this land was suggested to be a landfill site but after a very expensive legal battle that will not happen.
However, the Town has the formal option to purchase all of the rehabilitated land for 1 buck. It is about 300 hectares or 700 acres of land.
The town has a great opportunity to add significant open space at a low cost. However, we must first look at what our long term costs may be to the Town. There will be pumping required to keep water flowing to 16 mile creek and Black Creek. That maintenance costs needs to be factored in.
We also need to look at any potential liability the town may have with quarry walls about 50 feet high, a lake that is about 30 feet deep.
Also, our vision and that of the community needs to be looked at. What would the land be used for? Passive open space, fresh water fishing, bird sanctuary and naturally trails could all be accommodated.
I hope people will subjectively look at the options we have before us and give us your comments.
Opportunities like this do not come up that often for the Town so we need to do our due diligence.