Last week our Chief Librarian arranged for members of Council to have a tour of how work is progressing on the Acton Library.
The Town had received funding from the Federal and Provincial government under the “Economic Action Plan” to build a new library in Acton.
This project was originally planned for about 2015, the money allowed it to be brought ahead. It truly will be a legacy project and a focal point of the community.
One item of concern I have always had is the March 31st deadline. All of the projects had to originally be completed by that date to receive federal money. It was of great concern to hear senior members of government say that municipalities would be responsible for any funding after that point.
The Federal government then changed that due to continued lobbying by FCM and others to projects being “substantially completed” and last Thursday announced an extension to Oct 31st. While the need to change the deadline only applied to a small percentage of projects. It showed the Federal government was listening.
The new Library has giant windows overlooking the creek and the main entrance off of River Street. The stone walls that greet you off the School Lane entrance is reminiscent of the old “stone school” that used to be located in close proximity to the library. The walkway would be a perfect place for small bistro tables as a quiet place to sit and read. Or inside by the massive fireplace in a comfortable chair.
The building is being constructed to LEED silver which in part means, among other things, all garbage is sorted and recyclable material is removed form the waste stream. The heating is geothermal in partnership with our local hydro and greatly reduces the carbon foot print of the building.
While our old library has served us well. It is time for it to go. Our new one will be easily accessible for those in wheel chairs or other mobility issues, modern with heating and cooling, bright and inviting. Also of a size to fit our community that has changed dramatically since the old one was built as a 1967 Centennial project.
Thank you to the Federal and Provincial Government for the funding, our library board for its vision and Sydney Weaver for reminding us that all kids want to be able to visit the library.